Starting Saturday, October 21st, 2017 at 7:00 AM
4-Week Kettlebell Bootcamp
This four week bootcamp is designed to push you — and myself — outside of our comfort zones and into a space of awareness and growth. Sign up now to push past your old you and discover new possibilities with me!

The Kettlebell: An Extreme Handheld Gym
Kettlebell training has been shown to improve the deadlift of elite powerlifters, and the running times of high-level long distance runners. During this bootcamp you’ll also benefit from overall improved conditioning, fat loss, and improved balance and coordination.
Whether you’re looking to improve general health, or you’re setting the stage to train for an athletic event in 2018, this bootcamp will serve as a perfect foundation.
This program is put together with principles I learned from studying Pavel Tsatsouline, the man who introduced the west to the Russian kettlebell in 1998. I’ve been following this training protocol for the last 2 months and I’m excited to have the opportunity to teach it to you all!
4 Weeks of Workouts — Saturdays at 7:00 AM
The bootcamp consists of four, 45-minute in-person sessions where we’ll do mobility and skill drills followed by a workout to apply what we’ve learned and get in a good sweat!
In addition to our four, in-person workouts, you will have homework (read: workouts) to perform on your own 3-5x a week (frequency depending on skill level and goals)
Private Group Chat and Best Friend Time
Easily the best part of these bootcamps is having the support of others who are on the same journey.
Throughout the duration of the bootcamp you’ll be connected with myself and all the other participants for ongoing motivation, support and accountability. We’ll share inspiration, recipes, tips, struggles, and wins in a private chat room.
Improved Atheletic Performace & Skill Development
Over the course of bootcamp you’ll get an introduction to kettlebell training and the foundational basics. You’ll also learn mobility drills to open up tight areas, increase flexibility, and prevent injuries. This bootcamp will teach you skills you can apply to your future training — whether just for general health or athletic performance.
Nutrition Guidelines + Food List
My goal is to set the stage for you to cultivate your inner athlete! The foundation of this starts with sound nutrition. The physical demands of training will require proper recovery and fueling. I’ll work one-on-one with you to determine your specific nutrition requirements. You’ll also receive a complete nutrition guide to teach you how to start fueling yourself like a top-level athlete.
What you’ll learn:
Week 1 — Kettlebell swings 101
We’re going to dissect and perfect your kettlebell swings! You’ll learn the ins and outs of the powerful movement and how it will help improve your overall athleticism.
The swing is the most beneficial exercise anyone can do according to Pavel. Among the many benefits: superior conditioning, rapid fat loss, explosive hip power, killer grip, various back health benefits, and it’s easy on the knees.
Week 2 — Kettlebell get-ups 101
This movement is on of the best ab exercises! It also does magic for one’s shoulders — one of the most injury prone muscles. Together with the swing, the get-up develops back and shoulder strength. We’ll break down this exercise step by step so help you apply it to your everyday training and improve overall physical performance.
Week 3 — Putting it all together + Advanced Techniques
After you’ve gained a complete understanding of both movements, we’ll put it all together to start challenging our speed and strength. We’ll also go over ways to challenge yourself.
Week 4 — Timed test + Training Protocol Progressions
As kettlebell champions, you’ll perform a timed test over the skills we’ve learned. This test will serve as a physical benchmark for you to evaluate yourself against to continue growing as an athlete.
Not a single sport develops our muscular strength and bodies as well as kettlebell athletics.
Russian Magazine, Hercules 1913
Kettlebell training provides all-around fitness, plus it has been scientifically proven to:
- Develop strength, power, endurance
- Increase muscular hypertrophy
- Increase fat loss
- Improve overall health
In-Person Bootcamp Session Dates
We’ll meet on Saturdays at 7am for 45-minute group workout sessions on these dates:
- October 21
- October 28
- November 11
- November 18
* There will be no session Saturday, November 4th.
Bootcamp Location
Our training sessions will take place at G R Herberger Park near the North East corner of Indian School Rd and 56th Street in Arcadia. Get directions.
There’s a Smoothie King and Starbucks (sorry, JN 😉) nearby for post-workout fuel and best friend time!
G R Herberger Park
“Without Crystal’s coaching, I would have seen time keep going by with ZERO progress on my fitness goals. If you had told me when I started working with Crystal that I would be eating 90% healthy real foods and pushing distractions away to work out 5+ times a week I would have laughed in your face because my life was 90% takeout and junk food. I needed the accountability from a coach and having Crystal on my team was the difference between yet another failed attempt at getting fit and the amazing goal-crushing success I’m seeing now!”
Michelle L.
Former Bootcamp Participate
“Everyone needs that extra push or support system when it comes to weight loss and Crystal did just that for me! She provided fun challenges, 1:1 guidance and showed me the happiness a healthy lifestyle can bring to your life. Crystal and her health groups hold you accountable and keep you thinking positive during the entire process. I wouldn’t be as successful with my weight loss without her support!”
Christina S.
Former Bootcamp Participate
“Before invited to join this challenge I was on a continued downward spiral of unhealthy eating and inconsistent physical activity. Crystal is an amazing coach and is always available for the group constantly motivating and inspiring us. This has been a great opportunity; I have learned how to prepare healthy meals, be accountable, and consistent. I have lost 9lbs and 15inches during the 28-day challenge. I am grateful for Crystal and the ladies in the group. I have a new lease on life. Thanks, Crystal.”
August C.
Former Bootcamp Participate

Meet your trainer, Crystal Gaskin
Hi, I’m Crystal! I’m a Certified Personal Trainer who uses my personal experience of “figuring it out” to help others take control of their lives through proper fitness and nutrition. My goal is to help overachievers like myself streamline their health and fitness routine so that it becomes as automatic as brushing your teeth each day.

Saturday, October 21st — Saturday, November 18th
This four week bootcamp is designed to push you — and myself — outside of our comfort zones and into a space of awareness and growth. Sign up now to push past your old you and discover new possibilities with me!
Registration Closes Friday, October 20th!
What are the benefits of kettlebell training?
There are so many great benefits to kettlebell training! I love it for its simplicity. With a single piece of equipment and a wide open space you can so some serious damage.
A few notable benefits:
- Increased strength, power, endurance
- Increased muscular hypertrophy (#gains
- Increased fat loss
- Improved overall health
What will I learn during bootcamp?
- Mobility Drills to prevent injuries and improve flexibility
- Kettlebell Training Basics
- Proper Kettlebell Swing Form
- Proper Kettlebell Get-Up Form
- Simple & Sinister Training Protocol
- Nutritional Basics with a focus on macro nutrients.
The concepts we’ll learn are from Pavel’s textbook, Simple and Sinister. You can grab a copy from Amazon if you’d like to dive in deeper to the training concepts! Pavel is a great, nonsense coach. You’ll enjoy his straight, logical approach to training.
What are the physical requirements to participate?
This bootcamp is for individuals of all fitness levels who have medical clearance from their primary care physician, orthopedist, and cardiologist. Kettlebell training can be intense, so proper clearance is important.
All movements will have scalable options for all physical fitness levels and to accommodate any injuries. When enrolling, please note in the comments any injuries so accommodations can be made if necessary.
What equipment do I need?
All equipment will be provided for in-person training sessions. We will be training outside, in the grass. Bring any other items that will make you feel comfortable such as a mat.
For at workouts performed on your own a kettlebell, or access to a kettlebell, will be needed.
Choose a kettlebell weight that you can comfortably lift overhead for 10 reps.
- Gents: 35 or 53 pounds
- Ladies: 18, 26, or 35 pounds.
I use a 35#, for reference. If you’re unsure what size to buy, wait until after our first meeting together where you’ll be able to test your strength with my set
Kettlebell training is most efficently performed barefoot . We’ll be in the grass and it’s highly encouraged you join me and train without shoes! You have sensory receptors on the bottoms of your feet that make your stronger and improve balance and coordination. Wearing traditional shoes diminishes the ability of these receptors to work properly, and therefore impededs performace and can increase the risk of injury according to Pavel who says, go native!
If you do decide to wear shoes, shoes with thin soles and wide toe boxes are recommended. Something like a chuck taylor or vibram five fingers.
As mentioned, we will be outside in the grass. Dress in comfortable activewear that you do mind getting a bit of dirt on.
When and where will the bootcamp workouts take place?
Our training sessions will take place at G R Herberger Park near the North East corner of Indian School Rd and 56th Street in Arcada. Get directions.
Important: There will be no in-person bootcamp session on Saturday, November 4th (it’s my birthday weekend and I’ll be out of town! )
What if I can make it to a bootcamp session?
If you’re not able to make it to an in-person session, let me know as soon as possible by text or email. I’ll get you the details of what we will cover so you don’t miss out. If it works with both of our schedules, we may be able to schedule a make up session!
What forms of payment do you accept?
You can sign up online and pay by credit card here, bring cash to our first session on October 21st, or venmo me @crystalgaskin
Can I join if I don't live in Arizona?
Yes! Please reach out to me before enrolling so that we can go over the modified program to ensure it’s a great fit for you: crystal@bodyofgratitude.com